Meet the products offered by ATS
ATS sells simulacrum kits only for authorities, airports and training centers approved by the ANAC.
The products listed are restricted to official training use only and are NOT available to the general public. Some of these items are export controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). These controls take the form of export regulations and license requirements. This product is solely for the purpose of training and the customer represents and warrants that this product will not be used outside of a controlled training environment. The customer is solely responsible for any mishandling, misuse or unlawful use of this product. The customer represents and warrants that it has put in place control measures to ensure that this product is accounted for and used only for training applications.
ATS assumes no liability for any mishandling, misuse or unlawful use or application of this product. The customer agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify ATS, including its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) relating to its purchase, use or sale of this item.
DSA's Inert Threat Screening Kit is intended to allow maximum flexibility in creating a large variety of threat signatures to refine screener's knowledge and understanding of what different devices can look like in person and in an x-ray system. Designed to be a necessary overall training aid for security checkpoints, the Inert Threat Screening Kit is composed of several different inert weapons, simple firing circuits and explosive components. Inside the provided carrying case are various types of hand guns, knives, grenades, pipe bombs, firing circuits, commercial, military and homemade high and low explosives and blasting caps. All together this kit includes 70 separate items. Using these training aids, instructors have the ability to continually build new devices to present to students, covering all major threats seen in security checkpoints.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
DSA offers a full line of security training courses which maximize the benefit of this kit.
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This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
Based heavily on a custom kit created for the United States Marshals Service, this kit is a great recommendation for clients looking to level up from our most popular kit, the TSK1000 Threat Screening Kit. No items in the ASK8000 are duplicated from the TSK1000. The items in this kit were selected to be difficult to identify both during visual inspection and when scanned in an X-ray system. This kit is a good option when honing experienced screener's skills or when conducting penetration testing.
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This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
This kit contains many types of threats a security officer may encounter at a main entry checkpoint or mail screening facility. The kit contains inert guns, knives, explosives simulants, IEDs, and IED firing circuits. The kit gives trainers the ability to build diverse configurations of both known and theoretical IED threats, allowing for a large variety of scenarios to be presented to train and evaluate security officers.
We believe there are no other products on the market that offer the capability and complete functionality that this kit provides.
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This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The TSK0055 was designed around threats that are more easily accessible than others. Every threat in this kit was chosen from historic IED events, instructions which can be found online, threats easily constructed from hardware store parts, or stolen from a construction site.
Included are all the various types of threats which are prohibited from entering a building and are also found on the Interagency Security Committee Standard (ISC) prohibited items list. Ideal for use in security training as well as conducting penetration testing, this kit is perfect for sheriff departments who run courthouse security checkpoints where mobility and storage are important.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert Explosives Training Kit provides a large assortment of inert explosive and IED simulants. This kit is best used to train screeners on the vast difference explosives can have in size, shape, construction, and material. The TSK6000 is complete with several examples of military explosives, commercially explosives, and homemade explosives found all over the world.
As each simulant is density, Zeff, and X-ray correct, every item will replicate the real threats with which they are associated. This allows Checkpoint Screeners to better understand how explosives look and feel, making them easier to identify in person and in the X-ray system.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert Guns and Knives Threat Kit has become the industry standard for training law enforcement and security personnel. It contains a comprehensive set of inert gun and knife replicas which may be encountered at a security checkpoint. Training can be conducted using magnetometer and X-ray screening systems. Items have been made safe to use for hands on training and penetration testing.
Unlike blue plastic weapons, the items in this kit are real weight and construction. These items perfectly match the X-ray and metal detector signatures of real gun or knife threats. The pistols have removable magazines with inert ammunition. All items are coated in a thick blue coating that doesn't alter the weapons detail or handling.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The metal detector test objects in this kit are designed to maintain and improve the security of federal buildings, courthouses, correctional facilities, and public buildings, as well as any other secure facility. These test objects allow you to configure the metal detector, test new metal detectors and test your security staff. They will allow you to determine a machine setting that will detect your most dangerous metallic threat.
This kit is particularly effective for testing operator alertness and training new operators. The TSK7000 complies with NIJ Standard 0601.02 'Metal Detectors for use in Concealed Weapon and Contraband Detection using a NAA 22 disassembled gun standard', which was the result of extensive consultation with law enforcement and correction communities.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Trace Quality Control (TQC) Kit, also known to DHS/TSA as Thumbprint Quality Control Kit, allows users to effectively perform Red Team penetration testing using real explosive materials without the hazards and restrictions of bulk explosives.
The 3 unique samples of clay-like material each contain a small amount of real explosive material added (RDX, PETN, and TNT). This small amount of explosive material is easily detectable with today’s ETDs but is perfectly safe to ship, carries no handling restrictions, and is even non-flammable.
UV fluorescent dye has been added to the RDX and PETN TQC samples. This UV dye allows the trainer to verify that material has been deposited on a surface and to show a trainee or screener the location of the explosive contamination. This UV dye is only visible under UV light from the included flashlight and will not reveal the presence of explosive contamination.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert IED Circuit Boards Kit a one-of-a-kind teaching aid that contains a complete array of IED firing circuits to help familiarize security officers with examples of IED circuitry and different type device functioning. Circuit boards are visually detailed and X-ray correct to help students readily identify the critical components of an IED. Inside the included manual, each individual circuit board is shown in multiple x-ray orientations. This approach allows the screener to build situational awareness of what different threats can look like in person and in the x-ray from many angles.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert IED Circuit Boards Kit a one-of-a-kind teaching aid that contains a complete array of IED firing circuits to help familiarize security officers with examples of IED circuitry and different type device functioning. Circuit boards are visually detailed and X-ray correct to help students readily identify the critical components of an IED. Inside the included manual, each individual circuit board is shown in multiple x-ray orientations. This approach allows the screener to build situational awareness of what different threats can look like in person and in the x-ray from many angles.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert Clothing IED Kit was developed to assist screeners understand and recognize modified and altered clothing and braces. Each device in this kit has been identified from a historic suicide IED or a perceived threat. Every item in the TSK9540 contains a complete IED so Instructors can reinforce P.I.E.S. and good search techniques. Because of the discrete modifications made to the original article of clothing, this kit can be used to conduct penetration testing and help evaluate security protocols.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Non-Metallic Edged Weapons Kit was designed for the purpose of training security officers on detecting edged weapons that are void of any metallic signature. It allows security officers to learn and perfect the optimal screening methods to detect these types of threats. Each edged weapon in the TSK1055 was selected to represent the large variety of blade types, shapes, and materials.
These items are X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated. Each edge and point has been blunted to ensure items are safe for training.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
This kit is designed to train security officers on the detection of concealed weapons. Each training device represents a type of commonly concealed weapon and is visually and X-ray correct, responding in checkpoint cabinet X-rays and full-body screening systems authentically to real threat items. These items are also correct for training and testing in metal detectors. This level of accuracy is not found anywhere else.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert Air Cargo (CCSP) Threat Kit was designed with Cargo and transportation operations in mind. This kit exceeds the performance and capabilities of the current TSA/FAA modular bomb kit.
We believe there are no other products on the market that offer the capability and complete functionality that this kit provides.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The original MBSII X-ray training kit is used by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to train their officers on explosive threat identification in X-ray images. DSA Detection has developed its own upgraded kit based on this design (MBS1000).
The kit contains 27 commercial, military, and homemade explosives that are visually and X-ray correct (density and Zeff), as well as 17 different IED circuit components and detonators.
Unique to this kit's design is the use of common travel items paired together as threat/non-threat items, which can be used to train operators to spot the unique attributes of modified threat items during everyday screening. DSA Detection’s MBS1000 kit provides realistic X-ray training tools that will allow security officers to see and feel inert threats, while evaluating their skills with simulants that perfectly match real explosives.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
DSA's Inert Threat Screening Kit is intended to allow maximum flexibility in creating a large variety of threat signatures to refine screener's knowledge and understanding of what different devices can look like in person and in an X-ray system. Designed to be a necessary overall training aid for security checkpoints, the Inert Threat Screening Kit is composed of several different inert weapons, simple firing circuits and explosive components. Inside the provided carrying case are various types of knives, grenades, pipe bombs, firing circuits, commercial, military and homemade high and low explosives and blasting caps. All together this kit includes over 63 separate items. Using these training aids, instructors have the ability to continually build new devices to present to students, covering all major threats seen in security checkpoints.
The explosive simulants in this kit are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
The Inert Air Cargo Threat Kit (Legacy) is designed to be an accurate representation of the wide variety of threats most likely to enter air cargo around the globe. The provided carrying case contains various types of grenades, pipe bombs, firing circuits, dynamites, plastic explosives, low explosives, blasting caps, and other miscellaneous inert threats.
As with all DSA simulants, these items are density, Zeff, and X-ray correct to replicate the real threats with which they are associated.
For more information, CLICK HERE
This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises for various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more. *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.